Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Things I learned Yesterday

Yesterday for the first time in 15 years of teaching the school where I teach shut, due to the snow.
Here are some things I learned on my day off.

  1. Being able to sit and eat your breakfast whilst reading the days paper on the day it arrives is very pleasurable (but not for my wife as I spent all day saying...In the guardian this morning do you know what someone wrote?)

  2. Watching a Reed Bunting and other birds around your feeders in the snow is very pleasurable.

  3. Most of the world still views that my job is not to educate children in a safe and stimulating environment, its basically to look after them all day so their parents can go to work. Maybe they can tell Ofsted and the DCSF thats all they want.

  4. That most people don't understand that children have the right to be educated in this country, they don't have a right to free childcare.

  5. That Oliver Postgate was a poet. The opening to Noggin and Nog is as lyrical piece of prose as you could wish to read.

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