Sunday dawned clear and sunny once again. My three wonderful boys were visiting us for the weekend and so we decided to go for a walk. Choosing a route we had not been for a while and one that can be wet we set off.
We shortly came across an old weir and evidence (like some lost civilisation) of 18th and 19th century industry. The river after the weir was shallower the water running quicker and then we saw them. A flash of dark brown, then a glimpse of white and we stood enchanted for a short while by two pairs of dippers feeding and fora
ging in the water. This rare and shy bird is not often seen but fascinating to watch when you do find them. They feed by running / swimming underwater to catch invertebrates hiding in the river bed.
More well known bird watchers than ourselves have failed to see Dippers, indeed I seem to remember seeing a BBC clip recently where the presenter tried and only caught a glimpse of these shy birds. So here we were about 7 miles from the centre of Sheffield watching them. I think even my boys were impressed. And now the I tell you were we were?????????